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State Council Charities – BE NOT AFRAID

By Derek Raby, State Charities Director

Vol. 4, 2016-2017


EMERGENCY RESPONSE – It is the time of year here in Texas when the weather can bring unwanted destruction and despair.Is your Council ready to answer the call when there is a need in your community?The best way to be ready for a disaster, of any kind, is with proper planning.Each council is key to a successful response in the time of an emergency.Do you have your Emergency Response Coordinator identified for your council?If so, does your Diocesan Emergency Response representative know who your council’s representative is?Has your council’s representative plugged into the available training, both at the Supreme and State level, to ensure they are appropriately informed and prepared?Have you identified the key resources your council can provide in response to an emergency?The Texas State Council Emergency Response Team, headed up by your Chairman, Harry Storey, is here to provide the appropriate Guidance and Assistance.Not only in the time of need but also to ensure you are prepared ahead of an emergency.Their contact information is available within the Star Guide located on the Texas State Council website.

FUNDRAISING – By now, each council should have their invoice for this fraternal year’s State Charity Goal in hand.The Texas State Council, Charities Fundraising Team, headed up by your Chairman, David Keating, encourages all councils to make a Charity Goal contribution as soon as possible.Any initial contribution is appreciated.If your council is in the position to make a 100% contribution, why not do so now and get your council qualified for the Quick Start Award.As a reminder, The Supreme Council will not be sending out any assessments for Supreme Per Capita this fraternal year.As previously mentioned by our Worthy Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, councils are encouraged to utilize their funds towards charitable good.What better way to put these funds to work than to contribute them towards your council’s State Charity Goal.Remember, for every dollar contributed towards your council’s State Charity Goal, 70% of each of those dollars comes right back to your Bishop for their designated charity.The other 30% is retained by the State Council Charity Board so they can provide for state-wide charitable needs.It is up to all of us to ensure both receive the maximum benefit possible!If your council needs assistance identifying fundraising ideas, do not hesitate to reach out to the Fundraising Committee. Their contact information is available within the Star Guide located on the Texas State Council website.


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