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The Star Council Award

By SK Reed A Fontenot, III, PGK, FDD 2020-21 Texas State Director Star Council Awards

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Reed Fontenot

The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and programming. Earning Star Council means you are doing everything right! The question is how do you meet all the requirements? One small step at a time. Our focus in each issue is what needs to be done now.

Everyone should have their Report of Officers Elected submitted to Supreme and the State office. We do not have access to the Supreme website to get a list of your officers so we are depending on you. In addition, the Submission of Program Personnel is due on August 1st. Once these two forms are processed by Supreme there will be four men who will be notified that they need to complete Safe Environment training. The Grand Knight, Program Director, Family Director and Community Director (all positions must be filled) will receive a customized email to access the three one hour training modules. They have thirty days to complete the training or the Director positions will be vacated and the process will have to start over. The Grand Knight and District Deputy can follow progress of the men assigned safe environment training: Access Officers Online, select district /council/reports, Safe Environment Member Status.xls.

As we get these completed it is time to start collaborating with your Field Agents / General Agents to schedule Fraternal Benefit nights! Presentations could be with one council, a district, a diocese, etc., both in-person (depending on Covid-19) or virtually! There is no minimum attendance as long as you promote the event. Let’s get these done by the end of September.

As a Star Council Awards team we are here to help.

Lets get it done!

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