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2016 Texas Annual State Convention

By Terry Simonton, State Deputy

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024


Estelle and I personally invite you and your family to join us at our 112 th Annual State Convention. It will be held on April 29 - May 1, 2016 at the American Bank Center with lodging at the Omni Bay Front Hotel in Corpus Christi. The local convention committee has been working very hard to make this convention a memorable one for all our Brother Knights and their families throughout Texas.

We’d like to mention just a few of the convention highlights. Friday morning the golfers are off to participate in a little friendly competition. There will be a Clergy Seminar followed by the Clergy Luncheon. Please contact your Priests and Council Chaplains now and ask them to please put this on their calendar. On Friday afternoon we have planned the Awards Ceremony. Please make plans to attend this important event. Please help us congratulate all the work done by the various individual Knights and their Councils. Following the Awards Ceremony, we will celebrate our Opening Mass with Bishop Michael Mulvey as the principal celebrant. The Convention Committee has planned a Friday Night Luau starting at 7:00 p.m.

On Saturday morning the Convention Business Session begins with the State Deputy’s Report. Everyone is invited to attend the State Deputy’s Report. Following the report, the business of the Knights begins. While the men are conducting business, the ladies will be enjoying a wonderful ladies luncheon. On Saturday evening, we will remember our deceased Brothers at the Memorial Mass with our State Chaplain, Bishop Joseph Strickland as the principal celebrant. The day will conclude with our wonderful State Banquet.

On Sunday morning the ladies will meet for breakfast while the men wrap up their business meetings. Immediately after the convention closes, our State Executive Secretary, Michael McLaughlin will meet with the elected Supreme Convention Delegates and anyone who plans to attend the 134th Supreme Convention in Toronto, Canada.

As we gather in Corpus Christi, this will be our last official meeting as your State Deputy and First Lady of Texas, the Largest Jurisdiction in the World. It has been an honor to represent all of you in our great State. We want to thank everyone for all their hard work and their dedication to the Knights. You have certainly made these past two years very special. We hope you have had as much fun as we have had.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Corpus Christi . . . we’re going to “HAVE FUN.”


Terry & Estelle Simonton

You can register and pay online by clicking HERE and selecting the appropriate registration (State Officer, Committeemen, DD, Delegate etc.) (Please have a credit or debit card available!) Register NOW! Prices for events will increase after 4/4!

Corpus Christi Host Committee Events need to be purchased HERE (will open in new page)

All the Printable State Convention Forms can be found HERE

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