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Interview with the State Deputy

By Mark Johnson, Texas Knight Editor

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024

Thank you for your time, I know you are very busy.

In the last 1.5 years of your administration there’s been some significant changes, what do you see as your major accomplishments?

We have become the largest jurisdiction in the Order. Appointing a Star Council Director increased the Star Councils to 135 last year from 76. We had 376 Quick Start councils in charities the first year and we had 374 Quick Starts this year. We were able to reach the Circle of Honor status this past fraternal year and that is where Texas needs to be every year. With all the councils recruiting all over Texas, we should once again be in the Circle of Honor. Texas could not do this without the great recruiters throughout Texas. The State Officers, Past State Deputies and the Charity Board Members were able to join the March for Life at the State’s Capitol this year. What a great event, we must get more active in the Defense of Life. It was a great pleasure to help Texas Tech and North Texas with financial help to build their Catholic Student Centers. We continue to be a big supporter of Special Olympics, our man hours this past fraternal year were the best ever.

"I think we have always had a little fun while we worked"

What have you seen as the key to your success?

We have a great team in place. We have so many great people doing so many great jobs. I feel we had a great nineteen months so far, we have worked very hard across Texas but I think we have always had a little fun while we worked. I have always stressed to have fun, I think this has helped in being more fraternal with one another.

There has been a statement made “So goes Texas, so goes the Order”, what challenges do you see facing Texas in the coming years? And how are they going to be met?

We must continue to grow the Order, the Philippines are gaining on us fast. We must listen to the words of our Worthy Supreme Knight about Building the Domestic Church While Strengthening Our Church.

What would you tell a brother knight who desires to become State Deputy?

Take your time and learn all you can before you become a State Officer. Try to work on as many committees as you can and take several Directorships as possible. It is a great honor to State Deputy but it is a very challenging position. Be prepared to spend many hours at home doing your job and spending many hours on the road. The people you get to work with and all the wonderful Knights and their spouses you get to meet in your travels are priceless.

We have a state convention coming up. What are the events?

I would refer everyone to the articles about the convention and the events schedule. Estelle and I are looking forward to a great time visiting with everyone.

What are you going to do after this year?

I will continue to be there for the people. I will be there for the next Officers and their teams. I will spend a lot more time with the grand kids.

Thank you so much for your time, we’ll see you at the convention.

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