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Membership Homestretch

By Alfredo Vela, State Membership Director

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024


My Brother Knights, we are about to hit the homestretch for this fraternal year. We are well past our half-way point. Some of you are right on track to meet your goals. Yet, some of you need some work to do if you are going to get there. It is not too late. Make a true, genuine, concentrated effort to achieve your goals and you will get there.

Membership Recruitment—where do you stand as a Diocese, District and/or council? As a state, we have brought in close to 2800 new members through Mid-February. We all know what our membership goals are at every level. Let’s make it a priority to achieve our membership recruitment goals during these last four months. We can get there, but, only if we try.

All Councils Active—every council should make it a point to bring in at least one new member into the Order. That is not much to ask for. As of February, we still had 290+ councils without any type of membership activity. Imagine what our numbers would be like if every council was membership activity. Where would we be?

Membership Blitz—we will continue to have an Order wide membership blitz campaign during the months of March and April. Order your supplies. Get together with your Parish Priest. Conduct a membership drive at your parish during the months of March and April. Use this as a springboard for May and June.

Ceremonials—how do we achieve our membership recruitment and all councils active goals? We do this through our ceremonials. If we make it a point to have ONE MEMBER PER COUNCIL PER MONTH and ONE FIRST DEGREE PER DISTRICT PER MONTH, your council, district and diocesan goals would be achieved. Don’t take these lightly. Make it a point to recruit a member and conduct a first degree.

Membership Retention—there are some members that might be facing some tough times. Let’s reach out to these members. Let’s think retention first, then suspension. At one point in time, we thought highly enough of this member to bring him in. But, if you must suspend a member, please follow the directions in the Star Guide.

Incentives—please review your Star Guide for all membership recruitment incentives. Remember, in addition to the State incentives, there are incentives at the Supreme level also. The big one for this fraternal year are cruises for a member and his wife. Again, visit the Star Guide or give us a call if you have any questions.

Membership growth is very important in achieving Star Council, but it also gives your council bigger and greater opportunities. Every new member gives us opportunities for more Church service, more charitable works, more community service, more pro-life activities and the list goes on. Our Supreme Knight states that it is our duty to invite every eligible Catholic man to become a Knight. From the new member’s perspective, imagine the opportunities you present him. He will now be given an opportunity to take care of his family. He will now be able to become a better husband, father, uncle, friend, and etc. There is no reason not to ask an eligible Catholic man to become a Knight.

Good Luck with the rest of the year, and see you at the convention.


Winners of the 2015-2016

Recruitment Drawing for a Caribbean Cruise

They will be joining our State Deputy and his wife on the cruise in October of 2016.

(Want to join them? “Ask” for details)

MANUEL CERVANTES (August) from Council 12818 Houston

Victor Quesnot (November) from Council 4315 San Antonio

Richard B. Gonzalez (November) from Council 9681 Live Oak

TBD (January)

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