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By Ed Tydings, Programs Director

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Ed Tydings

The Programs team wishes to thank you for all the hard work and planning that went into a successful year of activities. Summer is winding down, and for many of us that means kids going back to school. For those parishes blessed with an associated Catholic school, there will be lots of opportunities to conduct fun and engaging youth activities.

Almost fifty families received Holy Family Icons from Supreme for being selected as their Council’s Family of the Month. We collected and donated tens of thousands of pounds of food through various food drives. Among the most successful and productive food drives is always the Forty Cans for Lent.

Our vocations support continues to be outstanding. Over the past several years, we have consistently increased donations to over $300,000. We have more and more men answering God’s call to service in the priesthood, and the Knights in Texas never fail to support them.

The poster contest was particularly successful again this year. We even had a Supreme contest winner. Connor Barrington of Bandera, in Council 10258 won the 12-14 year old age group for Alcohol Awareness and Abuse.

We just completed the first year of mandatory participation in the Domestic Church initiative as a Star Council requirement. From what we have heard, the programs have been well-received. We saw a lot of participation in the Holy Family Icon prayer services from several dioceses.

The State Family of the Year, Larry and Beth Odom, were also named the International Family of the Year. They were the subject of another feature article. They were chosen from several well-qualified families submitted from across several dioceses.

Many brother Knights have heard me say this. All programs need Knights, and ALL Knights need programs. Programs are what bring men and their families into our order. They are usually the first thing other men in the parish become familiar with. And once they have joined our order, our field agents have the opportunity to offer first rate protection to their families. Let’s have fun this year!

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