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By Daniel P Quinn Jr. Faithful Navigator Holy Trinity Assembly 3191

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

A Dedication Ceremony of Sir Knights Walk took place on the grounds of Holy Trinity Parish, located in north central San Antonio, on a warm summer evening on July 26, 2017. Sir Knights Walk is a Memorial for Sir Knights of Holy Trinity Assembly who have passed away. Faithful Navigator Dan Quinn served as Master of Ceremony and was assisted by Sir Knights Doug Stolo and Mike Wells. Guests of Honor included five of the six wives of the Assembly’s deceased members.

During the October 2016 Monthly Assembly Meeting, members of Holy Trinity Assembly approved the creation of a memorial honoring deceased Assembly members. The Memorial would be installed in the reflection area on the grounds of Holy Trinity Parish Church. The Memorial occupies a standard block of concrete and measures forty eight inches by forty eight inches, which allows for approximately fifty bricks, and also incorporates a dedication plaque.

During the eight year history of Holy Trinity Assembly 3191, six of its members have passed away. The names of our deceased Sir Knights include Sir Knight Cary Collins, Sir Knight Pablo Gonzalez, Sir Knight Dan Grundhoefer, Sir Knight Ben Paoletta, Sir Knight Dennis Ullrich and Sir Knight John Warren. Their names are now enrolled in the Memorial with each Sir Knight’s name engraved on a paver brick and placed in the ground level Memorial. (Editor’s note: the temporary brick for Pablo Gonzalez used in the Dedication Ceremony is not in this photo. The permanent brick is being engraved.)

The Assembly was led in this effort by Sir Knight Doug Stolo who conceived the idea of remembering our deceased members. Working with a local San Antonio company, Alamo Pavers, he designed the Memorial with one of their consultants. Once the design was finalized and approved by the Assembly, a fund drive was undertaken. The membership of Holy Trinity Assembly enthusiastically committed to the project as demonstrated by their financial contributions. Also, Holy Trinity Parish supported this endeavor with a generous donation. The Assembly By-Laws were updated and established the policy when on the passing of a Sir Knight of Holy Trinity Assembly; his name will be entered into the Memorial.

The project entered into its final phase with a Dedication Ceremony on a warm July evening. Five of the six wives of the deceased Sir Knights attended the event as Guests of Honor. Attending wives included Mrs. Cheryl Collins, Mrs. Elvira Gonzalez, Mrs. Sue Grundhoeffer, Mrs. Joyce Ullrich and Mrs. Regina Warren. A crowd of sixty people were present. Participants included Holy Trinity Pastor and Assembly Faithful Friar, Monsignor Mike Yarbrough as well as Holy Trinity’s founding Pastor and previous Faithful Friar, Monsignor Doug Fater. Prior to the ceremony, Sir Knights Doug Stolo and Mike Wells presented a white rose decorated with baby’s breath to each of the wives of the deceased Sir Knights. Faithful Navigator Dan Quinn opened the ceremony by welcoming the guests and explaining how the Memorial came to being. Following the opening remarks, Sir Knight Doug Stolo conducted a roll call of the names of the deceased Sir Knights and then recited the prayer he created and incorporated in the Dedication Plaque for the Memorial.

“They walk with God in life, may they walk with him in heaven. May our brothers rest in peace”

The Color Corps, under the direction of Color Corps Commander John Gonzales, processed to the Memorial at the start of the proceedings. Following the Roll Call, the Color Corps executed a Sword Salute.

After the Sword Salute, Monsignors Yarbrough and Fater blessed the Memorial. Following the blessing of the Memorial, Monsignor Yarbrough blessed each of the wives of the deceased Sir Knights.

At the conclusion of the Ceremony, the Guests of Honor and other attendees followed the Color Corps to the Parish Banquet Hall where refreshments were served.

Unity and Fraternity are the values which made this undertaking, one of the most significant activities the Assembly has undertaken, a success. Thank you to all who contributed to and participated in this event!

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