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St Mary Magdalen Council 9902

By Mike Urrutia

Vol. 4, 2016-2017


For the past 4 years Council 9902 has supported Br. Sean Stilson, BBD with Supreme RSVP program. Sean currently lives in community with 3 priests a seminarians at St Mary Magdalen parish. He attends classes at Oblate College for Seminarians in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. His ordination to priesthood due in 2018.

It has been an honor for Council 9902 to sponsor Sean on his journey where he has help many others in our parish to follow Christ.

Biography of Br. Sean Stilson, BBD

I was born in Louisiana in 1988.

I grew up in an Air Force family moving around the country. I lived in Louisiana, Colorado, Alaska, California, Ohio, and now Texas. I usually attended the schools on base, but attended a Catholic high school.

I'm a cradle Catholic. Both my parents are Catholic. Most of my relatives are Catholic. I have three younger brothers. The first two are married in the Church. Their wives are

Catholic. They have collectively seven children, which are my nieces and nephews. Both of those brothers are in the Air Force. My youngest brother is not yet married.

Growing up my parents brought us to Mass regularly. My mom and grandma brought me to charismatic prayer meetings when I was young. My mom played Christian music in the house and made Christian books available to me. Our parents prayed with us and read the Bible at bedtime sometimes. All of this helped me to experience God as an active part of my life, rather than a distant observer.

I read about the lives of the saints when I was in grade school and junior high school and was inspired to live like them. I wanted to give my life completely to God like they did, which is why I joined religious life.

I read about Jesus in the New Testament and wanted to be like him and to be close to him.

I read the letters of St. Paul in which he says, "to marry is good, but not to marry is better." This convinced me that it would be better for me not to marry so that I could focus totally on God.

I attended St. Mary's University in San Antonio and got my Bachelor's degree in Theology in 2010.

In 2010 I joined the Brothers of the Beloved Disciple because they were charismatic. I wanted to belong to a community that was totally open to whatever the Holy Spirit wanted and whatever gifts the Holy Spirit gave.

I now attend Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio and have one year left before gra;duating. After graduation I will be ordained a priest, God willing.

I am aking my perpetual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to God this month. This is a permanent commitment that I am excited for. I want to belong to God totally.

My main passion in life is explaining the Catholic faith to people who do not believe it, people who do not belong to the Catholic Church.

I want to make a difference with my life. I want the world to 'be different by the time I'm dead, otherwise what was the point of living?

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