Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025
Vandals had been harassing the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters throughout the fall. The Monastery of the Most Blessed Sacrament and of Our Lady of Guadalupe suffered several attacks, leaving the sisters not only damaged property, such as the destruction of revered statues, but also frayed nerves and frightened hearts.
Amarillo Police were called out numerous times. Stepping up patrols, the authorities found themselves limited in their efforts to alleviate the problem due to a lack of solid evidence. That's when the Knights of Columbus stepped up to help.
District Deputy Steve Austin led a multi-council effort from Councils 4621 and Canyon Council 7840 to install surveillance cameras on the property. The Knights purchased the monitoring system with funds raised from a variety of projects, and relying on the talents various brother Knights, the volunteers got to work. Using a bucket truck provided by a Knight from the Canyon Council 7840, the group of concerned Knights spent seven hours on October 22nd, 2016 installing, programming, and verifying that the system was fully operational.
The vandals struck again within days, but this time, thanks to the hard work of and diligence of these caring Knights, the Sisters had viable surveillance footage of the perpetrators to supply to the Amarillo Police.
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