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August = Recruiting

By Chris Stark, FICF, General Agent

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025



In August there is going to be a major push from Supreme and your agencies across the State to recruit men to online membership.You are going to see full page ads in your Diocese papers and magazines.You might even see billboards urging men to join.You may even see full page ads in your parish bulletins.

This is your opportunity to ask, text, email, direct message (social media) every Catholic man you know and say, “Your Catholic, why are you not in the Knights of Columbus?You should join, go to www.Knights.net and join with me!”

If we had the 10,000+ men read this and get inspired to as just 3 men each; that would equate to over 30,000 invitations to join.I would think reasonably 5% would join.That would equal over 1,500 new members for the State of Texas in ONE month! The key is that we have enough people asking enough times.

Imagine if we could do that one month, why not every month?Is it crazy to think that we could actually get 1,500 men to join every month?I don’t think it is crazy at all, all we have to do is have enough people asking Catholic men to join every single month and the impossible, becomes possible.

How does this help your council?It is simple, when a man joins online, he will be seen by his field agent and be urged to get involved in a local council.If that man already purchased insurance, he will count as a new member for your council and a new insurance member.When almost 75% of men are currently transferring to council based membership that means about 1,125 would end up in your councils.Which is almost 3 months of quota in one.

This is our potential.This is our future. This is what is possible.

Will you help us have the most successful fraternal year ever?Will you help us recruit more members than ever?Will you help us have more Star Councils than ever?

It is impossible without your help in asking men to join!

Thank you in advance, text someone to ask them to join today, www.Knights.net!

God Bless,

Chris Stark, FICF

State Insurance Liaison

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