Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025
The Council purchased a K of C wheelchair from the American Wheelchair Mission and presented it to the parish in March. Accepting the new wheelchair from GK Lewis is Fr. Rich Andre, CSP, Associate Pastor and Knight. Dennis Moraw photo. (see file: 1 10776 wheelchair to asso pastor.jpg)
In May Council 10776 helped celebrate the 40th anniversary of the ordination of two Paulist priests assigned to St. Austin Catholic Church. Accepting their stipends from GK Lewis are (left) Associate Pastor Fr. Richard Sparks, CSP and (right) Fr. Charles Kullmann, CSP, Pastor of St. Austin’s. Dennis Moraw photo. (see file: 2 10776 40th anniversary stipend2.jpg)
Council 10776’s new officers for the 2018-19 fraternal year were installed on June 16, 2018. After posing for this group photo, the officers, other members and families enjoyed a BBQ dinner. Kneeling L-R: Asst. DD Rudy Gonzalez, David Sykora, Jay Cantu, Paul Lewis, Matt Frangenberg, Chris Campana, Jose Perez. Standing L-R: DD Pat Ortiz, Charles Vernor, Joe Van Gompel, David King, Mark Worman, Darrell Pargmann, Richard Milos, Dcn. Dan Wright, Dennis Moraw (blue shirt), Dcn. Billy Atkins (white shirt). Pat Moraw photo. (see file: 3 10776 Officer Installation group shot.jpg)
Council 10776 responded to an urgent request in mid-July from the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley (CCRGV) for help at their Refugee Respite Center in McAllen, Texas. Many refugee families pass through the Center on a daily basis and the need for diapers was especially urgent. Council members quickly donated diapers (see photo) and Warden Charles Vernor, who was driving to the Valley anyway, delivered over 1900 diapers to the Refugee Respite Center on July 19, 2018. Charles Vernor photo. (see file: 4 10776 stack of diapers for CCRGV.071918.jpg)
Also in July, the St. Vincent de Paul society at St. Austin’s sponsored a “Stuff The Truck” event. The objective was to fill a delivery truck with usable household items and clothing. Donated items would be given to the Vincentian Family Center’s thrift store for resale. Members of Council 10776 assisting with loading donations into the truck were Jay Cantu, David Sykora, Chris Campana, Carl Roell, Darrell Pargmann and Paul Lewis. St. Austin parishioners with SVdP and K of C©2024 Texas State Council. All rights reserved.
6633 Hwy 290 East, Ste 204, Austin, TX 78723