Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025
Father A. J. Crann Co. 3313 in Sealy supports the Houston Food Bank operation, a non-profit organization that fees the hungry by seeking food donations and distributing them to relief programs in 18 Southeast Texas counties including their
The Sealy Ministerial Alliance comprising of various religious denominations in Sealy sponsor a monthly food distribution program with a visit by a product truck from the Houston Food Bank.The various Sealy church denominations alternate manning the relief distribution by providing approximately 8 personnel each time.The Sealy K of C Council 3313 provides their Sealy Columbus Club location for every monthly relief distribution.Further when it is the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church’s turn to provide the manpower as on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018 to assist with the product distribution, the Sealy Co. 3313 also provided the manpower resources for the ICC parish.
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