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Squires Circle 5279 Presents RSVP Check

By SK Patrick Fletcher, Counselor

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025


On behalf of Chief Squire Jordan Callagher and all of the Squires and counselors of the Deacon Pete Martinez Columbian Squires Circle 5279 at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Wylie, SBOC Kyle Fletcher, PCS, presented a $500 RSVP check to Matthew Tadyshak prior to Midnight Mass.Matthew is a seminarian for the Diocese of Dallas at Holy Trinity Seminary and a parishioner of St. Anthony.Squires Circle 5279 raised the funds by selling “Keep Christ in Christmas” Christmas cards.This is the seventh year that Squires Circle 5279 has sold Christmas cards spreading the real meaning of Christmas with the last six supporting seminarians through the Knights of Columbus RSVP program.Circle 5279 has donated a total of $2,700 benefitting 7 seminarians.

Pictured in front of the Nativity Scene in the Sanctuary of St. Anthony Catholic Church are (left to right) Squires Carl and Patrick Dodd, Seminarian Matthew Tadyshak, SBOC Kyle Fletcher, PCS, Squire Ian Brown, and SK and Circle Counselor Patrick Fletcher, PFN.

Not pictured is Sir Knight and SBOC Sean Fletcher, PCS, who was present when the check was presented to Matthew Tadyshak and began Circle 5279’s successful “Keep Christ in Christmas” Christmas card fundraiser at St. Anthony in 2011.

Photo courtesy of Lady Linda Fletcher.

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