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Columbian Award: Featured and Required Programs

By Ron Alonzo, State Program Director

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025


Minimum Requirements

There is still several four months left in this fraternal year for your council to implement and complete the required programs that will help you achieve the Columbian Award. There are 32 Supreme Council recommended programs, inclusive of existing and new programs. Your council is encouraged to implement any program(s) that will help make a difference in your parish and community. Obtaining a maximum of 16 program credits qualifies the council to earn the Columbian Award. Conduct at least four major programs in each of the Faith in action categories of Faith, Family, Community and life

Featured Programs

The Supreme Council has designated select programs as featured programs in each of the four programs categories. When your council conducts a featured program and satisfies the associated requirements it will receive two credits towards that program category on the Columbian Award Application (#SP-7). At the end of the year, report all completed programs on the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728).


Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP)Food For Families


Coats For KidsMarch For Life

Global Wheelchair MissionSpecial Olympics

Habitat for HumanityUltrasound

Required Programs

A council must conduct each of the following programs to be eligible to receive the Columbian Award.

Faith Family

Spiritual ReflectionConsecration To The Holy Family


Helping HandsNovena For Life

All forms for programs can be found at kofc.org/forms and submitted to fraternalmission@kofc.org

The new Faith in Action Booklet has been posted to the Faith in Action Website (www.kofc.org/faithinaction). This resource will be available for anyone to download. It will also be available for print through Supplies Online, and Supreme will to start including this resource in all Church Drive and First Degree Kits.

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