Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025
I can feel the excitement growing all across the state of Texas for the 115th Annual Texas Knights of Columbus State Convention. The dates are set, the invitations out, the agenda is set, and a tireless group of Knights and their families have prepared a wonderful weekend of fun and hospitality. And what a beautiful location, Corpus Christi. Ostensibly the annual State Convention is about the election of new state officers and delegates to the Supreme Convention along with various business sessions. But it is so much more than that. This is that unique opportunity and experience for Brother Knights and their families all across the state of Texas to gather together in prayer, Mass, fellowship, dinners, events, hospitality, and even sports. We celebrate and recognize outstanding achievements and accomplishments, we celebrate our Clergy, and we touch base with our leaders. It’s Knights having fun and getting re-energized to carry out our Faith in Action.
We can certainly be proud of the fact that once again Texas is leading the Order in charity and volunteer hours of service, and that our strides in membership bolster the entire Order. This is and has been a year of many changes which definitely takes some getting used to. Whether it be new electronic/online membership or the structure of the new Faith in Action program, changes are well thought-out and present new opportunities. Texas Knights will follow the advice of St. Francis: Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Texas welcomes the opportunities. As we gather at Convention we will be able to share our insights, experiences, difficulties and successes, and even have fun doing it!
Some of the ancient philosophers alluded to the fact that the secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. We Texas Knights are always building anew. We set goals and strive to achieve them. How we go about doing that determines who we are and how others perceive us. The principles remain the same: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. And as we grow tired at times of the hard work we do to grow and enhance the Order, it is because we know we have already done that before, and we realize we need to persevere and do even more and maybe with a new structure and a new heart.
When we commit to becoming excellent at what we do, success will follow. Each Council can and should strive for excellence in obtaining Star Council this and every year. Even if it looks like it is out of reach, persevere and take steps now to make those little changes to get you on the path; if you’re just a little shy of your goals, renew the efforts and motivate your members to get you there. Bring your successes to the State Convention; and don’t forget we love Councils adding to our State Charities at Convention as well. We in the State of Texas want to remind everyone that Texas Knights are leaders and the Clergy, our Catholic communities, our families, and our communities at large can depend on us. We need to continue to “Let our Light Shine” for all to see. See you at State Convention!
Vivat Jesus!
T. Mark Evans
State Deputy
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6633 Hwy 290 East, Ste 204
Austin, TX 78723