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Council 10776

By Paul Lewis GK 10776

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Evan Cummings4Th Degrees At Stations

The Fr. E. Philip O’Hern Council 10776 at St. Austin Catholic Church in Austin recently made two donations in support of the clergy.

In March 2019, we dedicated the proceeds of our monthly breakfast taco sales to Fr. Sushil Ekka, IMS, for his use at Holy Family Catholic Church and St. Mary School in Rahargora, Jamshedpur, India. Our council Chaplin, Deacon Dan Wright, worked with Fr. Ekka several years ago when Fr. Ekka was assigned to the Austin Diocese. Deacon Wright has stayed in contact with him and suggested the donation. The photo shows that there is much work yet to be done at the church and school so our donation will be put to good use. (Photo file: Holy Family Church & St Mary School)

While a novice with the Paulist Fathers, Evan Cummings (far left in photo) was assigned to St. Austin’s during Lent in 2014. He assisted the following 4th Degree Council members conducting the Stations of the Cross: SK Larry Schroeder, SK Sergio Pellicano and SK John Matthews (L to R in photo). Fast forward to 2019 – Deacon Evan will be ordained a priest in the Paulist order in New York City on May 18th. Deacon Billy Atkins, assigned to St. Austin’s and member of Council 10776, will attend the ordination and present him with the chalice that was given to the family of John Matthews upon his passing in December 2017. It was the family’s wishes that the chalice be given to a new priest. Congratulations to our newest Paulist priest - Fr. Evan Cummings, CSP!(Photo file: Evan Cummings+4th Degrees at Stations)

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