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Stand Up for America Golf Tournament

By Mike Schneider

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025

St  Marys Flag Memorial

The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree assembly 3109 is proud to announce they will be hosting a “Stand Up for America” tournament at Quicksand Golf Course on June 22, 2019 at 1:00 PM followed by an All-American barbeque dinner at 6:00 PM.

This tournament is dedicated to the enhancement of the landscaping around our flag and war memorials. The Knights of Columbus here in Wimberley want to recognize the importance of standing up for our beliefs in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and honoring what our flag stands for: freedom and democracy, the unity of America, a common cause, and the hope for a better tomorrow.

It is our desire to gather patriotic Americans together to enjoy a sporting event while recognizing the freedom represented by the American flag and the many American soldiers, men and women, who gave their lives for us. With the above in our mind, we are inviting you to send a foursome to play golf and if possible to sponsor a hole. The entry fee for the tournament is $70.OO and includes dinner for one. The cost of sponsoring a hole is $100.00. Add a star to your hole sponsorship sign for each year you renew. Golfers are encouraged to have their spouses join them for the barbeque dinner. The dinner price is $25.00 and will be at the Quicksand Golf Course following the tournament.

You may be aware that patriotism is one of foundational beliefs of the Knights of Columbus 4th degree. This tournament pledges that 90 percent of the profit will go to this cause and the enhancement of flag and war memorials. Attached, please find a picture of project results from 2018.

  • If your company is interested in a red, white, or blue tournament sponsorship, three levels are being offered.
  • Major sponsorships for the Stand Up for America Golf Tournament will be sold at $1000.00 for Red, White for $500.00 and Blue for $300.00. Sponsor’s banners will be placed at the entrance and will later be moved at dinner area after the golf tournament. All sponsors will be awarded 4 player tickets. Red sponsors with receive an 8 additional dinner tickets, White Sponsors will receive an additional 4 dinner tickets and Blue Sponsors will receive an additional 2 dinner tickets. Sponsors will be recognized before the start of golf tournament and at the dinner hour.

Feel free to contact me at mikedschneider@twc.com so arrangements can be made. Please pass on this tournament information to your friends. Tickets can be purchased on line at www.wimberley4th.com

Mike Schneider -PO Box 765, Wimberley, Tx 78676

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