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Fort Worth Religious Appreciation

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

Priest Appreciation 2019 2

(left to right) State Deputy Mark Evans; Chapter President Craig Modrzynski; Bishop Michael Olson; Diocesan Deputy Bruce Mallory; State Charity Director Boyd Burris; State Treasurer Diego Pena; State Warden Pat Henz.

The Knights of Columbus from the Fort Worth Diocese presented a check for $208,785.00 to Bishop Michael Olson at their 24th Annual Priest and Religious Appreciation Dinner held in July. The Knights surpassed their $92,375 State Charity goal with the help from the Wichita Falls Co. 1473 Vocations fundraiser earlier in the fraternal year.

More than 300 Knights and their wives attended the dinner along with over 80 Priests, Deacons, Sisters, and Seminarians. During the event, Fr. Jonathan Wallis, Director of Seminarian Formation for the Diocese, introduced 29 of the 30 seminarians that were in attendance.The Knights also presented Fr. Wallis with a check for over $4000.00 for any emergencies that may arise with the seminarians.This money was collected through a “Pennies for Seminarians” program.During various events such as pancake breakfasts or 50/50 raffle, councils will put out collection jars asking for tips or extra change.

Over the last twenty-four years, the Knights from Fort Worth Diocese has raised over $3,500,000.00, which has been earmarked by the Bishop for Vocations and Deaf Ministries.The Deaf community has always participated in the dinner and has shown their appreciation by signing a song. Seminarians Michael Marincel and Diego Soto Deniz, who are learning ASL (American Sign Language), made a special presentation to the deaf community by signing a heart felt appreciation for their support as they learn this new way to communicate.

During the program, the Knights also recognize those Priest and Religious who were celebrating milestone anniversaries and a moment of silence was taken as the names of the Priests and Sisters who passed away the previous year were read. Following the dinner and program, a live and silent auction was held kicking off the new fraternal years State Charity goals.These auctions raised almost $20,000.00.

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