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Breakfast with Champions

By Rudy Ortiz, GK 11107, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024

Here are some very special and proud moments at the 1st Speical Olympics Texas Breakfast with Champions fundraiser on the USS LEXINGTON, World War II-vintage Essex Class aircraft carrier, in Corpus Christi, TX

I've attached some photos and the stage picture photo Brother Knight and Color Gard Rudy Ortiz III representing Corpus Christi Diocese on stage with other sponsors and Special Olympics Athletes.

Cathedral Knights of Columbus #11107 and 4th Degree Color Gard had a great time in support of the First Annual Special Olympics Texas, Breakfast with the Champions on the USS LEXINGTON, World War II-vintage Essex Class aircraft carrier. in Corpus Christi, TX.

Looking forward to the next opportunity to help with Special Olympics Texas Brothers and Sisters Athletes. Thanks to our Knights of Columbus #11107 Brother Knights for coming out to support and their donations.

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