Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025
In the last edition of the Texas Knight, we reported on the most successful Waxahachie Hike for Life (H4L) in our Council’s history.Working along with our Brother Knights, fellow parishioners, and the entire Pro-Life community of Ellis County, Council 8417 raised about $16,700, the highest total ever raised by this Hike.
The Waxahachie H4L Planning Committee decided that we would donate $13,000 to FirstLook, Ellis County’s only Pro-Life Pregnancy Care Center.We then applied for matching funds through the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Program.On May 1, we received a letter from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council stating that our application for the matching grant had been approved and a check for $13,000 was being mailed to FirstLook from the KC Culture of Life Fund.
On May 19, 2020, Grand Pat Moriarty and Pro-Life Director Hugh Reynolds of Council 8417 presented a check for $13,000 to the managers of FirstLook. Along with the matching funds from the Ultrasound Initiative, the $26,000 will be used to purchase a new state-of-the-art ultrasound machine. Since the manufacturer charges Pro-Life clinics like FirstLook only 50% of the list price, the money raised by KC Council 8417 has effectively quadrupled our 2019 Hike for Life proceeds to provide a $52,000 ultrasound machine!
To multiply these blessings even further, this life-saving machine and the staff of FirstLook will soon have a new home. Since 2018, under the leadership of Capital Campaign Manager Julie Farrar, FirstLook has been raising funds for a new expanded facility. Earlier this year, the campaign met its original goal of $875,000, the 50% needed to begin construction, and construction is scheduled to begin in June.The Center is now working towards the remaining $875,000 to pay for the facility.
Architect's drawing of the new FirstLook building.Construction to begin June 2020.
When the new building is completed later this year, FirstLook will have more than double the space to minister to expectant moms and their pre-born babies. The staff and volunteers will be able to provide medical, material, and spiritual support to even more women and save more children. With this new ultrasound, FirstLook will be able to bring babies in their very early stages of prenatal development within view of their moms and reduce the number of abortions.Armed with the incredible power of the miracle of the ultrasound, they can actually see the miracle of the new life growing within them.
Finally, the Center is also expanding its outreach to men.With three men now on its volunteer staff, FirstLook can offer a variety of services for men including pregnancy options counseling, STI testing and treatment, parenting and life skills training classes, and spiritual mentoring. If we are to win this battle to save our unborn children, it is absolutely essential that we offer to all fathers who visit us the services, compassion they need to become responsible and caring dads to their child and loving spouses to their partner.We must give men the same message of hope offered by our Lord Jesus Christ whom we all love and serve.
FirstLook's Mission Statement: "It is FirstLook's mission to lead Ellis County to embrace Life by promoting best sexual health practices and providing family support in the name of Jesus Christ."
FirstLook's Guiding Principles:
For more information on FirstLook and it’s partners, please visit their websites at https://firstlookcenter.org/ and https://friendsoffirstlook.org/.
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