Father Joseph Plummer Council 10872 in Spring continues to serve Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community:
- Five burrito breakfasts have netted over $2500 for our charitable causes including clergy annuities and The Hope Center for the Homeless,
- We prepared and served almost 300 brisket and sausage barbeque dinners as part of the CGS Octoberfest with all revenues going directly to CGS.
- We are providing $500 stipends to 20 seminarians with profits from our recent annual golf tournament, The Bishop Cahill Classic.A near-record 102 golfers participated.
- We have provided hurricane relief funding, food, water, and equipment to the brothers of Council 4562 in Lake Charles, LA.
- We served a hot dog dinner to 400 parish Trunk-or-Treaters and their families.
- Council 10872 conducted a Silver Rose Rosary Service for our members, their families, and other parishioners.
- We hosted a patriotic Rosary service for all the Christ the Good Shepherd Community.
- Our Knights with Tools group of brothers recently replaced a fence for a parishioner in need.
- We continue to frequently deliver food to shut-in parishioners, supplemented with milk donated by the brothers involved.
Our Council continues to be blessed with a large number of dedicated Knights always willing to do anything that can be done in a safe manner to assist other brothers, parishioners and community members.