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Fr. Paul of Graymoor Council 16730 Fr. Alejandros'1st Mass

By Phil Tait Grand Knight Fr. Paul of Graymoor Council 16730.

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025


Armando Alejandro, a brother in the Knights of Columbus, of Fr. Paul of Graymoor Council 16730, San Antonio, Texas, was recently ordained a priest in the Ordinariate Chair of St. Peter, on June 29th, 2020.

Father Alejandro studied for four years at St.Mary’s Seminary, Houston, Texas; while there, his brother Knights periodically assisted him with stipends during his studies.

Ordained a priest on June 29, 2020, Fr. Alejandro celebrated his first Mass at Our Lady of the Atonement, San Antonio, Texas, the next evening.

A reception sponsored by his brother Knights and Parish Council followed on the Piazza of Our Lady of the Atonement.

When Fr. Alejandro was asked if he could think of a gift for his ordination, he replied, “I have a chalice from the 1800’s from a Benedictine Abbey. It’s in need of replating”. His brother knights from Councils16730 and 7163 saw to it the chalice was replated. (see photos).

Fr. Alejandro is currently assigned to St. Joseph’s Church, Eldersburg, in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and St. Timothy’s, Skysville, Maryland, in the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.

Well Done Father, your Brother Knights continue to pray for you.

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