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Program Director Report

By Pat Henz, State Program Director

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Pat Henz

My Brother Knights,

As we continue to struggle through this pandemic, we have to stay focused on the mission of the Knights of Columbus: “We are Catholic men building a bridge back to faith.There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that’s what the Knights do everyday.”

Now, more than ever, we – as Knights, must take care of our families, protect our parishes, and serve our communities.Just because a council cannot meet in person, doesn’t mean we can’t do these things.

Many councils are checking on their members and fellow parishioners and participating in the Leave No Neighbor Behind programs.Other councils are conducting programs virtually.If you can’t have your regular Pro-Life rosary in person, do it virtually.You can still promote family activities and even do a family prayer night virtually.Conduct the INTO THE BREACH program with in the council or even the parish by sending out the link to one of the videos.Then follow up with some questions and conduct a virtual discussion.These are just some small activities that can be done when not able to meet in person.

A few key events that the councils should be wrapping up these next two months are the Silver Rose, Soccer Challenge, Catholic Citizenship Essay, and the Keep Christ in Christmas programs.Remember to submit the Fraternal Program Report #10784 after completing the programs.And with the holidays upon us, don’t forget your Seminarians.This is a great time to send them a care package and maybe a little extra spending money for the holidays.

Finally, don’t forget to recognize your Family of the Month.This report is due on the 15th of the following month.It is a short and easy report to fill out and submit.Each month, Supreme draws one family from each state and sends that family a small gift.So recognize your families and submit one each month.

The success of any council comes from the success of its programs.Successful programs bring new members.Without these two, a council begins to fail.The Program Team is here to help answer questions and provide suggestions in order for your council to achieve the ultimate goal – STAR COUNCIL.

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