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Silver Rose

By Boyd Burris, State Warden

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024

Img 4153

Eight silver roses are carried along different North American routes that include Canada, every U. S. state, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and Mexico.The tradition spreads devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and embodies the international brotherhood as jointly nurtured across the continintent.

On Saturday, November 7, a Silver Rose was transferred from Oklahoma to Texas at a ceremony at Saint Peter’s Catholic Church in Lindsey, Texas.Father Matthew Tatyrek presided over the Mass.Oklahoma was represented by State Secretary Dennis Kunnanz, State Advocate Miguel Grijalva, and State Warden Steven Rose.Texas Program Director, Pat Henz, received the Rose.The Color Corp consisted of twenty-one Sir Knights from twelve Assemblies.The Color Corp consisted of District Master Ken Franch, Past District Master Pat Conway, State Warden Boyd Burris, Jim Hale, Ron Volpe, Kevin Stanislawsk, Anson Geisel, Gary Walton, Jack Aters, Hohn Hanel, Robert Daleo, Dean Hanson, Kelly Charoine, James Kennedy, James Michaels, Ed Diaz, Patrick Fletcher, Kevin McGillis, Danny Apodaca, Kevin Pontoja, and Craig Modrzynzki.

The Silver Rose will be transferred to the Austin Diocese on December 4 and travel to Laredo, Texas where it will be given to Mexico where all eight Roses will be joined at Basilica in Montery, Mexico.

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