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Program Director Report

By Pat Henz, Program Director

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Pat Henz

My Brother Knights,

As we wrap up this 2020-2021 year, we have elected new officers, and we are looking forward to opening up more. Now is the time to plan for this new fraternal year.

Plan your programs and plan a backup or alternative way of doing those programs just in case. The success of any council comes from the success of its programs. Successful programs bring new members. Without these two, a council begins to fail. Grand Knights should soon receive the Fraternal Planner. This is a great tool and will help you plan ahead. And remember, after each activity, please submit a Fraternal Program Report #10784.This will help you keep track of all your activities throughout the year.

Another thing to remember is to promote the activities your council is doing. Put a follow up article in the church bulletin, submit an article to your Diocesan publication or local newspaper, and never forget to promote within the Order. Submit a photo with the info to the Columbia Magazine and best of all, to this publication – the Texas Knight. Mark Johnson is always asking for information and what a great way to show your council off.

The Program Team is here to help answer questions and provide suggestions in order for your council to achieve the ultimate goal – STAR COUNCIL. We will be sending out reminders each month to help you stay on top of what reports are due and any upcoming activities that time sensitive.

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