Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025
Council 11978 in Canton got the year off to a great start with a very successful social event and dinner combined with an exemplification and the installation of officers for the next FY.The evening events started with the exemplification held in the St. Therese parish church. The degree team was led by field agent James Spellman with Pastor Fr. Jesudoss serving as the chaplain. Two men joined the order as new knights and three council members completed their progression to the third degree. New members included:
This council has a reputation as being very active with faith activities and charity giving and has earned the Star Award for the last two years. The new Grand Knight, Carlo Caravetta, said …”this is just the start of growing the council and the order and doing more giving in the community”.
Pictured is the degree team for the exemplification, new and advancing members, and council members. New Grand Knight Carlo Caravetta is on the far left, Fr. Jesudoss is seen in the middle, and Field Agent James Spellman is seen on the far right.
Pictured is the entire new and past officer corps for Council 11978 as recently installed and joined by Field Agent James Spellman, far left, District Deputy Larry Pfeifer, second from the right, and Eric Spellman , far bright who served as district warden for the installation.
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Austin, TX 78723