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Support of our Priest and Parish

By Larry F Loftus – Texas State Reporter- Council 10930

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Fr  Benjamin Hembrom Tor

On Easter Sunday April 4, 2021 our priest and council Chaplain Rev. Benjamin Hembrom TOR said goodbye as he was preparing to go on his annual vacation to visit family in India. As he was leaving he said to our Grand Knight Josh Gomez, “I leave the Parish in your hands”. His intent was for the Knights of Columbus Council 10930 to continue its support of the parish in the various ministries and activities. Little did we realize at the time that travel restrictions to and from India would be imposed as he was preparing to return from India. It has been nearly four months since he left and our parish has been without a full time priest and Council Chaplain. The parish staff and Deacons have worked to be certain that Sunday Masses continue and parish daily functions are met.

The Council 10930 members have continued to step up and support the needs of the parish by actively participating in the parish ministries as ushers, greeters, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, security team members and choir members. The Council has also assisted in the implementation and organization of the Parish Debt Reduction committee by having members in various leader ship roles including the Chairman position. The Council has also continued to maintain the church property by mowing, etc. The council has also has continued its parish breakfasts and other charitable activities relating to the parish. Whenever the parish office calls for help, the council has been there to assist.

Of course it is not only the Knights of Columbus. All the parishioners and ministries in the church continue to provide support wherever it is needed. We all pull together and help where needed. We are especially thankful for the wives of the current Knights and past Knights. They are always there to help in activities without being asked.

We continue to pray for the end of this pandemic and the safe return of our priest and Chaplain Rev. Benjamin Hembrom TOR.

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