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Answering the Call

By Gary Blanchette Grand Knight Council 4204 Sugar Land

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025

The Knights of Columbus Council 4204 in Sugar Land, TX answered the call when our neighbors near and far needed us.

Over the past three months 4204 Knights have worked tirelessly at the Mamie George Catholic Charities Center in Richmond to help distribute food to the needy of Fort Bend County which serves over 400 families each day they are open. The council also stepped up big when our neighbors in Louisiana got hit hard by Hurricane Ida. Hosting a disaster relief drive at their local parish, St. Theresa Catholic Church, they were able to get over 4500lbs of food, water, cleaning supplies and baby items donated. Working with Bill McCrossen, the Louisiana Knights of Columbus state disaster relief chairman, they delivered the donated items to a Lions Club facility in Montegut, La. There were three councils in the area but none had a facility that was still standing. Grand Knight Joe Boquet of Council 8616 in Pointe Aux Chenes met Council 4204 Grand Knight Gary Blanchette and brothers Marvin Kasper and Doug Blaskowsky to happily accept the donations.

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