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We are almost half way there!

By David Zeigler, ETC Director

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

My Brother Knights,

We as the Education, Training, & Communications (ETC) team want to eliminate any obstacles you have in making your council successful. So far this year we have held 12 webinars for training for District Deputies, Grand Knights, & other Council Officers. We have covered topics such as TX DD 101, Council Growth (making your council better), Star Council, The Delta Church Drive System, You Are Your Programs & Member Experience. Our Team is willing to do more, have your District Deputy, Diocesan Deputy, or yourself contact me with your training idea or need. The ETC Team will make it happen.

The current Texas State Council Directory is available on the State website. It is password protected. The password is “tkofc2122”.Use this Directory to find the contact information for all State Officers, Major Directors, Diocesan Deputies & District Deputies.

Hopefully you are utilizing the monthly “Finish Line” to keep you abreast of the events & deadlines for the next 30-60-90 days. Haven’t seen it yet? Contact your District Deputy or visit the State website for the latest version.

Our lead FS Trainer has a Financial Secretary training schedule for November 18, 2021 at 8:00 pm. Click on the following link to register.https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlduihqTIqGtOJrV4pRyM4ybOO7cYyAm2c

Now is the time to prepare to begin the 1st billing cycle and the start or continuation of your Retention Process. If you do not start the billing process you cannot start your retention process.

Have you spent any time surfing the Supreme Website? Click on this link:

https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/webinars/111920.html.This webinar will help in Cultivating Parish Success. Have you spent any time on the State website? Click on this link: https://fundraising.tkofc.org/ to donate to State Charity to make your State Charity Goal.

Our Social media outreach could be so much more to get the word out & brag on your great activities. Go to these sites: Texas State Council Facebook page – www.facebook.com/txkofc; Texas State Council Twitter page – https://twitter.com/txkofc; Texas State Council Instagram page – https://instagram.com/txkofc; Texas State Council YouTube – www.youtube.com – search “Texas Knights of Columbus”. Like, follow, or subscribe to the pages above to boost your event and to gather more information.

Note December will mark our half way mark for this Fraternal Year. It is never too late to revise your plan to have a successful year. However it is up to you to revise those plans and execute them. We are a family and we all want the family to be successful. The ETC team is ready to jump in and help at any level.

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