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Soccer is in the Air

By Larry Pfeifer, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025


As the temperatures started to drop and leaves begin to fall, youthful minds were easily distracted by thoughts of American football. But not this year in Athens, Texas as the Knights of Council 10524 conducted their first ever Soccer Challenge and for two weekends it was soccer balls flying in all directions. The brothers were a bit skeptical about taking on such an ambitious project, but after detailed planning and engaging the assistance of several players and a coach from Trinity Valley Community College, all anxiety was relieved. The turnout was greater than expected and the program was greatly appreciated by the youthful competitors as well as their parents. All who participated pledged to return next year for another go for the gold. Even though it was the first year for the K of C Soccer Challenge in the Athens area, the council had 11 competitors place at the state level.

Pictured below is one on the many competitors trying for the corner of the goal during the K of C Soccer Challenge Sponsored by Council 10524. Also pictured is Tom White District Deputy for District 131 and Gabriel Martinez councils occer challenge coordinator.

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