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Program Director Report

By Pat Henz, State Program Director

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Pat Henz

My Brother Knights,

As we wrap up this 2021-2022 fraternal year, many new officers will have been voted in and it will be time to start planning for the new fraternal year. Grand Knights - You are the most influential leader to you council. If you walk around defeated, so will your council members. Encourage your council officers and members to be active, to have an understanding of their responsibilities, and stay focused. God gifted you the ability of leadership - don't waste it.

In the front of the Fraternal Planner are some great ideas for evaluating this year and how to plan for the new year. When evaluating those programs always remember, the success of any council comes from the success of its programs. Successful programs bring new members. Without these two, a council begins to fail. Every program is an opportunity for every Knight to put their Faith in Action and step into the breach. And remember, after each activity, please submit a Fraternal Program Report #10784.This will help you keep track of all your activities throughout the year.

Another thing to remember is that your programs are always on display. If you don’t have any programs, the members and parishioners see that. If you have great activities, they see that too. Always promote the activities your council is doing. Put a follow up article in the church bulletin, submit an article to your Diocesan publication or local newspaper, and never forget to promote within the Order. Submit a photo with the info to the Columbia Magazine and best of all, to this publication – the Texas Knight. Mark Johnson is always asking for information and what a great way to show your council off.

This will be my last report as State Program Director. I am always amazed at so many great programs you all do. I love to see all those that are promoted in the Texas Knight. I want to thank my team for all their help and support. You guys are truly amazing to work with and your dedication to your area of responsibility and all the other things you do in your own councils give me the inspiration to continue doing this job. Programs are so important and there are so many great programs that councils are doing in this great State of Texas. It is truly amazing. And I am proud to be part of it.

I know that the new State Program Director Carlos Martinez and his team will continue to help answer questions and provide suggestions in order for your council to achieve the ultimate goal – STAR COUNCIL.

Vivat Jesus

Pat Henz

State Program Director

Be Bold - Be Not Afraid

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