Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025
A 4th degree knight from St. Gabriel the Archangel Council 12153 of McKinney, TX recently met his fellow knights during his recent vacation in the Philippines.
In two separate occasion, SK Joel Clemente met 1st degree member Enrico Cordero of St. Joseph the Worker council In General MacArthur, and SK Lito Acodesin of St. Ignatius of Loyola council in Sulat. This two councils belongs to the diocese of Borongan of the province of Eastern Samar.
The knights discussed matters pertaining to their roles as onward Christian soldiers, as men for others, and their actions and responsibilities to their families and fellow citizens particularly to the upcoming Philippine national election slated for May 9, 2022.
So to speak, they also shared their mission and vision of not only for themselves, but as well for their respective council. All in all, as brother knights, they are united in one goa lthat is “in service to all, in service to all.”
In part, the trio mirrored what Blessed Michael J. McGivney vision is that whether through community service, prayers or raising money for both their council and church - they make a difference in the lives of other people. Bringing people closer to God.
Hence, at the beginning and end of their meeting the said knights prayed together, thanking and praising God for the blessings and graces they received, and the opportunity to be together despite of the pandemic, and the thousands of miles distance away from each other.
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