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By David Pels, State Advocate

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

David Pels Web

The beginning of a new Fraternal Year means that it is time for Grand Knights to designate their faith in action directors, and to file their Council’s Forms 185 and 365, report of officers and service program personnel. If these forms were not filed by their due dates of June 30 and July 1, they should be filed as soon as possible, using the online forms with proper and legible email addresses. Why is this important? The Supreme Office of Youth Protection must be able to contact the Grand Knight, Program Director (typically the Deputy Grand Knight), Family Director and Community Director to initiate Safe Environment Training and provide other notifications. Safe Environment Training is mandatory for these four Council positions.

Why is Safe Environment Training mandatory for those four positions? The Family and Community areas of the Faith In Action programs include the “youth programs,” such as the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, the Keeping Christ in Christmas Poster Contest, the Basketball Free Throw Challenge, and the Soccer Challenge. The Program Chair oversees the Family and Community Directors. The Grand Knight is ultimately responsible for overseeing all of these activities and the Program Director.

Why must Safe Environment Training be taken through the Knights of Columbus if these four council members are serving in Parish Ministries and have take Diocesan mandated Safe Environment Training for those positions? The Safe Environment Training required to be an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, a Lector or Reader, or a Hospitality Minister, might be similar to that required by the Knights of Columbus, but it is not the same and required by a different entity. While the Knights of Columbus serves the Catholic Church, it is an entity separate and apart from the Church. So, even if these four Council personnel are compliant with Safe Environment Training for their Diocese, they must take the Praesidium Armatus Safe Environment Training to comply with the Knights of Columbus.

Personalized email addresses, such as johndoe@hotmail.com are required for notification. Emails by Council position, such as GK1234@gmail.com, are no longer allowed. Once a notice is received from the Office of Youth Protection to begin training, you will have thirty days to complete it. The District Deputy and Grand Knight can monitor the progress of the Safe Environment Training by logging in to Officers Online on the Supreme website, going to reports, and checking the Safe Environment report. The report will show whether the individual is compliant, noncompliant, or pending. The Star Tracker report also contains a section showing the status of the Training. Only the Grand Knight can occupy two of the four positions. If two people occupy two positions, a “U” code may appear, which means that another Director will need to be appointed to take the Training.

There are three modules to the training. It can easily be completed in one evening. Some individuals may require a background check; if so, they will receive a follow up notification to provide any information needed and the consent to do so.

If one of the four designated individuals does not complete the training within thirty days, it might be necessary to reappoint the individual, so that the thirty days can start over again, or appoint a new person to the position to take the training.

If you have any questions regarding Safe Environment Training, please contact the Supreme Office of Youth Protection or refer to the Officers Desk Reference. If there are questions they cannot answer, please contact the State Advocate.

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