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Council Growth

By David Zeigler, Council Growth Director

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024


ongratulations Austin Diocese – New Council # 18056 – Our Lady of Guadalupe, Temple, TX Great job by the Diocesan Deputy Bill Tartaglia& DD 145 Michael Gasper & our new Brother Knights in Temple! WHO is next?

Councils still need to go online for your Supreme Per Capita Statement. Contact us if you need help finding your statement. Please mail payment to: Knights of Columbus Council Accounts, PO Box 382172, Pittsburg, PA 15251-8172. Do not mail the payment to Supreme. If you have already paid, thank you.

As of September 30, 2022 we had 116 Roundtables compared to 98 from the same time frame last year. Our goal is 200. Congratulations to Brownsville for crushing their goal of 19 with 35 roundtables. Fort Worth almost doubled their goal of 11 with 21 Roundtables. Beaumont has 10 Roundtables over a goal of 9. See totals below. Other Diocesan Deputies please keep your promise to meet your Roundtable goal by the Midyear Meeting. Note the Grand Knight MUST sign the form!

11 of our 15 Dioceses are in different stages to establish a new Council. Keep up the work and we can knock our goal of 8 new Councils out of the park by Midyear. All the forms you need can be found on the State Website. Please gather all forms, forward to the team or me. We want to send a complete package to Supreme at one time. This will also allow for the team to verify everything is in order.

Note Brownsville Diocese & Laredo Dioceses are real close to reactivating 3 councils. The Reactivation process is similar to a new Council development with the same forms as listed above. Again contact our team to help complete the process.

Our team is ready to get you to your goal; all you need to do is ask.

Vivat Jesus! Let Christ Be Your Light!

David Zeigler, Council Growth Director

903-926-0776, zigsr@att.net

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