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Kyle Council 7975

By Andrew Cooke, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

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Kyle Council 7975 had the amazing opportunity to present our annual charitable donation to the Kyle Area Senior Zone (KASZ) at their weekly luncheon. We increased our donation this year to aid with funding their new building (the downtown square is WAY too small for this rambunctious group!). They were highly appreciative of our generosity and they are looking forward to seeing the SAMC Knights of Columbus 7975 this November for their Thanksgiving dinner where we serve their meal. Brothers, please continue to keep the elderly your communities in your prayers. Today I asked the KASZ members to also keep the the KC7975 council in their prayers! Photo (attached): Betty Conley, KASZ President (receiving check), Grand Knight Andrew Cooke (presenting), and KASZ Board of Directors

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