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Silver Rose Prayer Service

By Rene Olivares, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025

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Promoting a Culture of Life, Council 10240 from San Antonio held a Silver Rose Prayer Service for St. Luke Catholic Church following the Assumption Feast Mass on Monday, August 15th at 6pm. “Through the Silver Rose Program, we honor not only Our Lady of Guadalupe and express the unity of the Knights of Columbus, but we also reaffirm our dedication to the sanctity of human life. It is to the Blessed Mother that we turn in prayer as we work to end the Culture of Death that grips our society. As we think in terms of ‘One Life, One Rose,’ it is most appropriate that we turn to Our Lady of Guadalupe who made known her will through Juan Diego and the miracle of the roses.” – Past Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

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