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The Importance of State Per Capita

By Ron Alonzo, State Secretary

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024

Alonzo Web

The Texas State Council a Non-Profit Organization is supported by its Councils. Councils Per Capita are monies paid to support the everyday activities of the Texas State Council. The State Per Capita $8.00 assessment per member has remained the same for over 28 years. Texas is one of the few jurisdictions that has a State Office with employees to keep track of forms and the finances of the State. This fee should be included in the dues, along with the Supreme fees.

The Texas State Council is to support the interest of its members.

In Texas, councils have the option not to pay state per capita, and yet those councils still receive some form of benefits and representation, typically other non-profit organizations would require per-capita or dues payment to receive any benefits.In exercising the option, delinquent councils or their representatives are ineligible to participate in state sponsored activities and/or events such as seating delegates at the state convention, state athletic events such as softball, bowling and golf, state youth free-throw and educational scholarships, etc.State per Capita obligations should also be paid each year to ensure the efficient running of the Texas State Council and its programs, and to provide each member the opportunity to participate in those programs. Finally, each Council owes it to its members to provide meaningful and enriching Social and Spiritual Programs to encourage growth of the Order, increased Member participation, and prolonged Retention.

How Per Capita is assessed:

State Per Capita is an assessment and payment, required per Article V, Sections 1 and 2 of the Texas State Council Bylaws.State Per Capita based on the Council roster as of July 1, with adjustments for Honorary life, inactive insurance, and disabled. Once again the State Per Capita is used to fund the operation of the Texas State Council.At least one-half of the assessment is due upon receipt of this notice sent earlier this fraternal year, on July 31, 2022.The remaining amount shall be paid on or before March 1, 2023.Councils who pay their State Per Capita in full by December 31, 2022, will meet one of the requirements for the Quick Start Award and the Lone Star Award for Excellence with Distinction award.Councils who pay their State Per Capita in full by March 1, 2023, will meet the requirement for the Lone Star Award for Excellence.

If you haven’t paid your council’s Per Capita yet, please do so as soon as possible. Remember, you can pay your State Per Capita online through a link on the State’s web page www.tkofc.org

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