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You are — Knights Charity

By Bob Goss, State Treasurer

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024


I will discuss council and knight issues regarding Texas State Charities. Including are council charity required, what counts as charity - - hours & donations, where your council charity money goes, and who you help.

You MATTER — You are one — But You with Brother Knights — ANSWER PRAYERS

Are Council Charity fees Optional?

Answer Yes and No

  • Yes – if councils DO NOT INCLUDE CHARITY FEE AS PART OF THE COUNCIL DUES. Council Dues are prohibited to be used as fundraisers.
  • No – if councils include the approximately $26 in Supreme and Texas State per capita and other fees AS PART OF THE COUNCIL DUES. You collect the fee and are obligated to pay the charity fee collected. . If you as a council charge this fee you are obligated to pay Supreme and Texas State per capita, Supreme fees, and Texas per capita and charity money.

Where does council charity money go in Texas?

  • The first 70% comes back to your bishop.
  • The next 30% goes to the State Charities Committee to be used for charity issues worldwide, including the needs of your community.
  • Any amount of council dues charged to a brother based upon the Bylaws and fees are required to be paid to Texas State Council.
    • Why DO WE HAVE TO PAY, if charities state a donation / OPTIONAL? If you collect money based on the charity quota, currently $10/KNIGHT, this is fraud to not pay it.
    • Supreme Bylaws - - online version was mandatory over a decade ago - - requires payment of charity fee (currently $10 / knight).
  • Your parish resides in your diocese and if your council does not pay - - your diocese and your parish do not contribute to the diocese.

When does our Bishop start receiving more than the 70% of the charity money?

  • When your diocese exceeds 100% of the Diocese charity quota.
  • This is why we try to get each and every council to pay their charity quota.
  • Once a diocese exceeds 100% of its quota, every dollar over 100% goes to YOUR BISHOP!

Our council will keep the charity donation and take care of our parish.

My Financial Secretary will not pay our state charity quota after the council approved the charity fee

Any officer must abide by the laws and rules of the Order

  • If an officer singularly refuses to pay the charity fee, that officer needs to be reminded he is 1 vote and does not have veto power over a council vote.
  • Next, State and Supreme per capita and other fees are in the bylaws and councils do not have to vote to include these in the budget.
  • If an officer continues to refuse to write the check, this officer may be removed by the District Deputy or State Deputy for failing to do their duty.

What is Charity?

  • Money and manpower donations – tracked by semi-annual audits – are given to IRS to ensure the Knights of Columbus retain our 501 c(8) status.
  • Council charity quota obligations are money paid to Texas State Council

How do I know where our council charity quota money goes?

  • Each year the State Charities Committee (SCC) and Texas State Council
    • Prepare budgets and have these budgets approved by the TSC Convention delegates
    • SCC Officers have a fiduciary duty to oversee the budget and charity's money
    • Budgets and accounts are reviewed and audited by an outside private accounting firm.
  • Coats for Kids
  • Ultrasound
  • Wheelchairs
  • ASAP – Aid, Support after pregnancy
  • Anything your council can envision

Special Olympics Form - -include 2.5% of your paid state charities monies on the Special Olympics form and sends the 2.5% to Special Olympics


Supreme statement on Charities

All fees and expenses associated with Knights of Columbus Charities, such as operating and administration costs, are covered by the Knights of Columbus. Whatever cause you contribute to, such as providing a child the gift of warmth, advocating for a culture of life, giving persecuted religious minorities food and medical care, or helping rebuild after natural disasters, and more. Your donation goes directly to those we serve through our charitable programs.

Together, we make a difference. Together our faith leads the way — our charity answers Prayers.

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