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Charity, Unity and Fraternity Exemplification in honor of St. John Vianney

By Gary Blanchette Grand Knight Council 4204, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024

On Wednesday, November 23rd the day before Thanksgiving, Council 4204 in Sugar Land held a Charity, Unity and Fraternity Exemplification in honor of St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests. Four fine young men joined the order and our council that night but that is not what made it so special. The reason it was special is that three of the four men were recently admitted into the seminary and were home on Thanksgiving break from Holy Trinity Seminary in Dallas. Pictured are the exemplification team of Grand Knight Gary Blanchette, Past Grand Knights Sam DeMora and Calvin Sommer, and members Chris Spiers and Doug Blaskowsky. The new members are seminarians Ben Mueller, Shawn Varkey and Andres Carabez as well as Martin Deitz. Congratulations brothers!

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