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Start Planning For Next Year

By Bill Tillotson, Star Council Awards Director

Vol. 4, 2016-2017

Tillotson Copy

Congratulations to all the councils in Texas for such a successful year! While we are working hard to finish up this year, now is the time to be planning for next year. Do these things to get the coming year off to a great start.

1. Hold council elections. If you have not held council elections yet, do so immediately. Elections should have been held in May, so get this done ASAP.

2. Submit Report of Officers Chosen Form 185 and Service Program Personnel Form 365. These forms are vitally important to be submitted as soon as possible. They are due no later than June 30. Make sure to e-mail copies to your District Deputy and the State Office at forms@tkofc.org.

The easiest way to submit these forms is online. The following two links explain how to do this, as well as provide a PDF form. But please be aware e-mailing a filled-out PDF to Supreme slows down the whole process.



3. Plan your officer installation. This can be a nice event to hand off duties to the new guys. Many councils do this after a Saturday 5 PM Mass sometime in June. Have a meal and ask your District Deputy to come install the new guys. This can be a great social event for your council.

4. Schedule and hold your annual planning meeting. Planning out the coming Fraternal Year is a great way for councils to ensure success. Plan out your programs, fund raisers and membership drives early in the fraternal year to make sure you hit your goals, one of which should be to attain the Star Council award.

5. Attend your Diocesan Conference. This conference is a great way to learn more about what is going on with the Knights at the Diocesan and State level. You’ll pick up all sorts of great ideas on how to make your own council stronger and more dynamic.

Do these things and get your council off to a great start in the coming Fraternal Year.

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