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ACE Wings Presentation

By Larry Pfeifer, Texas Knight Report

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024


Left to right. Diocesan Deputy Larry Pfeifer, SK Mark Ryan, SK Mark McGuire, Fr. Johnathon Frels, FN Bob Pointset, and SK Tom Leeds.

Charity, the Sanctity of Life, and brother knights united in the Catholic fraternity of dedicated men. The knights had it all covered on a recent Sunday in Palestine, Texas and it was a busy Sunday for the Knights of Council 1323.

It started with a corporate communion service at 10:30 Mass. Sir Knights of the local assembly served as ushers and gift bearers during the Mass. After the final blessing, Tyler Diocesan Deputy Larry Pfeifer gave a short presentation about the Knights of Columbus and focusing on the many charity programs completed by the council. That presentation concluded with Pfeifer presenting the council Grand Knight, Jesus Lara, with a plaque commemorating the 35 consecutive years the council has made or exceeded their Texas State Council charity contribution goal.

While charity remains the first principle of order, dedication to the sanctity of life is also paramount in the lives of knights in this council. And it was most appropriate that on the weekend of the first anniversary of the supreme court decision overturning Roe vs Wade that the knights would commemorate the day with the presentation of ACE Wing to Fr. Jonathan Frels for his consistent advocacy for the sanctity of life and protection of the unborn. The presentation of the ACE Wings brought enthusiastic applause for all in attendance at Mass. That may have been the motivation for three men who signed prospect cards and expressed their intent to join the Knights of Columbus.

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