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Mentorship/Onboarding Program

By Marcus Vigil, Grand Knight Holy Trinity Council 9967, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025

Dr B Neubauer Cameron Meis

Just this year, a mentorship/onboarding program has been created at Holy Trinity Council 9967, in San Antonio, TX. This program is intended to ensure that all Knights, especially those newly “exemplified”, are engaged quickly and repeatedly by older, experienced Knights and don’t get lost in the busy day-to-day operations of council events. We want to ensure that we have a well-planned, thoughtful mentoring program that will encourage “old” and new brother Knights to connect with each other on a personal level. We feel that this will help build a stronger council!

Our program is structured for one-on-one learning, with each new Knight having one primary mentor assigned; we are certainly open to group type mentoring, as the mentee can learn from various brother Knights. We want our new brother Knights to learn from the more experienced. We have a structured program to provide every Knight with a positive role model who can help them find their niche in our Council.

Mentoring is defined as any form of social learning where someone with more experience (a mentor) helps guide the learning and growth of someone with less experience (a mentee). Our intent is to hone in on having the mentor share/communicate as much information as possible with their mentee regarding the workings and upcoming events/opportunities of the council. Our purpose of mentoring is to have all newly exemplified Knights grow, learn and give back.

We are hoping that the mentoring program will allow brother Knights to learn from one another regarding the KofC as well as grow in their faith. We know that the Mentor will play a crucial role in ensuring that this program succeeds. We are confident that our mentors will provide guidance to those brothers assigned to them, enabling them to share knowledge between brothers for the benefit of all. Additionally, we want the mentor-mentee program to be a two-way street, where the mentee can ask questions and his mentor will address their concerns/answer their questions. The mentee will also be allowed to provide feedback regarding the operation of the council. The mentor’s job will be to explain, provide history/context, and clarify why we do things as we do. Also, we want the mentors to be that sounding board for concerns that their mentee might have regarding not understanding the council’s operations.

To date, we have eight (8) mentor/mentee relationships in place. We plan to ensure that all new brother Knights have someone, a fellow brother Knight, to walk side-by-side, to encourage and guide him on his Knight’s journey!

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