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New Altar Railings

By Michael Steinbach

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

Kof C Members Donations Large

Persons in photo of officers holding a large donation check- left to right (Harry Hunter – Financial Sec., Cody Riedel – Grand Knight)

Persons in photo standing on stairs at front of altar- front to back (Cody Riedel - GK, Rev. Tommy Hopper, Harry Hunter Financial Sec., Michael Steinbach SK, Paul Hellen - DGK)

St. Anne Parish in Tomball was gifted a set of brass hand railings by Council 11472. The Church’s elevated altar allows an unobstructed view of the altar, but the steps are difficult to navigate for the priests and many of the EMHC ministers who have health issues and concerns. The new railings provide a measure of safety, and are designed to match the look of the original railing at the rear of the altar area.

When blessing the hand railings at the weekend Masses in October, Rev. Thomas Hopper – Pastor – commented “The safety of the priests and EMHC ministers has been a growing concern. The Knights, once again, have stepped up to help the parish. These brass railings are a true blessing.”

Cody Riedel – Grand Knight of Council 11472, explained that a few members had noticed Father’s hesitation and awkward movement on the stairs at the start of the Mass. A proposal was added to the budget to provide a pair of stair railings at the front of the altar. Within 30 days, several Knights stepped forward with personal donations totaling $2000 to offset the cost designing and purchasing the new railings that matched the design of the original altar area.

The railings were installed by the Knights and presented to the congregation at the weekend Masses in October 2023.

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