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By Bill Tillotson, State Council Awards Director

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024

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Congratulations to all the councils in Texas for such a successful fraternal year! Your dedication to your parishes, priests, families, and communities continues to serve to build the Order. It has been a joy for me and my committee to work with you this year.

As we approach the end of this fraternal year, do not forget to do those things needed to earn the coveted Star Council Award. By earning this award, you will show all that your council is exhibiting the behaviors most commonly seen in successful councils.

So what needs to be done to earn this award?

  • Attain your council membership goal: Your membership goal is shown in Officers Online and on the Star Tracker. Schedule Exemplifications and encourage your members to bring prospects in. Also work your Online Member list for prospects.
  • Host at least two Fraternal Benefit Events: The number of FBEs you are credited with is shown on the Star Tracker. For the event to count, you must have at least seven members or membership eligible men attend. The GK or FS must submit the Form 11077 afterwrds to get credit.
  • Submit Service Program Personnel Report Form 365, Survey of Fraternal Activity Form 1728 and Columbian Award Application Form SP-7 prior to June30: Of note here – submit the Form SP-7 ASAP to Supreme and include your DD on the distribution. There must be FOUR activities in each of the FOUR Faith In Action program areas. Do not leave anything blank! If you wait until June 30 to submit this form, you run the risk of making a mistake that costs your council the Star Council Award, so submit it early!
  • Have the Grand Knight, Program, Family and Community Directors Safe Environment compliant: Depending on when training was taken, men may have their training expire towards the end of the year. Please keep an eye on the training status of your program personnel here at the end of the year.

The Star Council Team will be present at our table throughout the convention with hard copies of the latest Star Tracker. Please stop by and check to see how your council is doing. We also can give you guidance on how to find and fill out forms.

Thank you once again for your dedication to our Order. Vivat Jesus!

Bill Tillotson, State Council Awards Director

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