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St Mark the Evangelist Council 7613 4th Annual Day Retreat

By Sal Scalia, Chancellor Council 7613

Vol. 4, 2023 - 2024

Knights of Columbus Council 7613 from St. Mark the Evangelist in San Antonio Texas had their 4th Annual Day Retreat on January 13, 2024. The retreat was orchestrated by a team of ten members of our Council, 2 nonmembers and a Parish Priest. The team began meeting at 6:30am on November 7, 2023 and met once a week for a total of 9 weeks.

The theme of this retreat was taken from Mark 2:13-17 “As He passed by, He saw Levi, son of Alpheus, sitting at the customs post. He said to him, FOLLOW ME.” This theme was selected as a means of promoting support for our community, an increase in parish participation, individual spiritual growth, support for our Priest, recruiting new members and fellowship.

The retreat began with a beautiful Mass in the St. Marks Day Chapel presided by team member Msg. Kevin Ryan. It then moved to Christopher Hall where we had a light breakfast. It continued with some awesome spiritual music, a Rosary, three personal talks with group reflections, a Lectio Divina on the theme and an hour of Adoration complete with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. All of this took place in a 7 hour span. The retreat was attended by 61 brother Knights and 4 nonmembers of whom one has submitted his Form 100. The retreat cost was a love offering of $20, which covered all expenses.

The Council also used this event to present Msg. Kevin Ryan with his Cardinal Medeiros Fellowship as a thank you for 32 years of service as Pastor of St. Mark the Evangelist.

Many participants spoke on how rewarding and spiritual the retreat was. They reacquainted with old friends, made some new friends and were gifted with some awesome spiritual growth. These events support the importance of Cor in all Councils and Parishes, and give catholic men one more reason to become a Knight.

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