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Collin County Christian Prayer Breakfast

By Craig L. Robinson, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

Knights from Council 7850 in Plano attend Annual Prayer Breakfast at Plano Event Center on Thursday, May 2, 2024.Background information on the history of this event is provided below.

In 1999, seven Collin County business and community leaders formed what is known today as the Christian Prayer Breakfast of Collin County. Their desire was to provide an annual event centered on prayer and praise and dedicated to current civic needs. Occurring in a central Collin county location, the event would provide Collin County believers of all denominations a unique opportunity to worship the Lord Jesus Christ communally and enjoy fellowship over an early morning breakfast. The speakers have always been concerned Americans and devoted followers of Christ who are committed to helping attendees remain strong in their Christian faith while working in secular capacities.

Today, the Collin County Christian Prayer Breakfast is a 501c non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors who meet monthly to ensure excellent stewardship of donations and resources. The event meets each year on the first Thursday in May and occurs in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer.

Annually, the volunteer board of the Collin County Christian Prayer Breakfast brings together people from all parts of Collin County and beyond to give praise, glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Held on The National Day of Prayer, hundreds of people come early in the morning for fellowship and to hear the testimony of speakers who are eager to share the difference Christ has made in their lives.

In His eternal word, God says that all praise and all glory rightfully go to Him; that He alone is God. He says that every knee will someday bow at the name of Jesus because of His great sacrifice, and because all things were made through Him. He says that we are to go throughout the world and tell everyone about Him. And God says, we are to pray, about everything and continuously. The purpose, therefore, of the Collin County Christian Prayer Breakfast is and shall be to exalt and give thanks to God, to lift up Jesus so that all people might be drawn to Him, not only those who have entrusted heart and life to the Savior, but also those who have yet to place faith and trust in Him, and finally, to fervently pray and ask the Holy Spirit to change us.

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