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By Derek Rabey, State Membership Director

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

The Texas State Council continues to grow at a record setting pace. This new member growth currently has Texas in the #3 position within Division 1 of the Supreme Council. Your continued efforts will have a direct impact as to how Texas finishes this fraternal year.

All the Councils within Texas must continue to grow. This growth is needed to ensure the practical Catholic men of our parishes are afforded the opportunity to benefit from becoming a member of our honored Order. We must continue to offer these men access to the resources offered to enhance their faith, as well as strengthen their marriages, and their families.

We cannot rest on our past achievements. Texas has not seen its best year yet. With your continued support, we can make this a record-breaking year in many areas: such as - Star Councils, Star Districts, Membership growth, and Charity.

We still have work to do to close out this fraternal year with a strong finish.

To add a bit of interest and some competition to the rest of the year, the Membership Team has launched the Diocesan Golf Classic-MATCH Play competition. Every two-weeks, for the rest of this fraternal year, each Diocese will be paired against two other Diocese within their respective Division. Each Match affords the opportunity to earn points towards the overall Divisional Championship as well as the potential for the Diocese to earn cash awards. The addition of new members to Council rolls within the Diocese, boosts the ranking for the Diocese. The highest percentage of new member intake, against the annual total established at the beginning of the fraternal year, for the round, wins.

Will your Council aid your Diocese in securing a Diocesan Golf Classic victory to close out the fraternal year?

The Texas State Council Membership Team stands ready to support your new member intake efforts. We are here to assist you in reaching your goals.


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