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This Could Be Our Best Year Yet

By Terry Frugé State Deputy

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

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At our State Convention in Houston recently, I overheard a Grand Knight tell a few brothers, “ I already have the numbers in need for Star Council, I will hold the other prospects I have and save them for next year”. As I took a breath after hearing this comment, I walked in his direction as he stepped away from his friends and said “HI” and introduced myself. I said, “Did I hear you say your council was already qualified for Star Council?” He smiled, “Yes, we are” proudly. I congratulated him and asked when he had hit his mark, “several Weeks ago” he commented. I asked if he had a moment, and we stepped away from the crowd.

I congratulated him, and thanked him for his leadership, and asked if he believed the “Knights of Columbus had changed his life for the better”, he agreed it had.

I asked if it had “changed his spiritual life in a positive way”, he also agreed it had.

I then asked him if it had “affected his family life in a positive fashion,” and he again agreed with that statement.

I said, “If all of these things are true… why would you not want to share Knighthood with every Practical Catholic you can?” He responded, “I Do.” I said,” that’s not what I heard you tell your friends back there; you were willing to wait over three months from the time you had your Membership Intake number for Star Council and wait for the last two months of the fraternal year, to recruit any more Catholic Gentlemen into the Order.” He looked a little wide eyed and mumbled that wasn’t what he meant, when I shared…

“Has your council ever made Double Star?” He replied they had not. I suggested this could be the year, as you never know when Supreme will increase the Goals back to the higher numbers. Larger councils used to have a maximum goal of 35. Today it is 15. Councils could make Double State Council with fewer members than it used to take for Star Council. He had three months when he quit recruiting and still has almost two months to make it happen.

I asked if his District Deputy worked well with his council, and he responded that he had been very helpful. I asked if a few more recruits by the councils in his District could help him make HIS District Goals; he was not sure.

I explained that District and Diocesan Deputies have goals they try to achieve and could use assistance from the councils they work hard to assist all year long.

“You and I both know fellow Catholics that need what the Knights have to offer.” When I asked him if he was an Insurance Member, he said he was, and agreed he thought it was a good product. I then asked him why he would purposely deny the opportunity for a fellow Catholic to protect their family, which he tried to deny he did that. I asked how he would feel if one of the prospects he was holding off bringing into the Order, passed away in the meantime, and that family had no coverage and would depend on others doing a Bar-B-Q to raise funds for burial, or have to start a GoFundMe Site to help his widow and children survive because they no longer had an income, where an insurance policy may could have helped this situation. He responded that never crossed his mind.

I shared with him that I was not making up a ‘Fairy Tale” as our General Agents and Field Agents have many stories over the years where this has happened. Even if a new knight is not able to get with their Agent, there is certain minimal coverage they have by just JOINING the K of C.

When I thanked him for attending the State Convention along with his other delegate, and asked if they had made the Educational Sessions we provided, he said he had not. I explained the importance of getting the leaders educated and trained, and I apologized if I, as State Deputy, were not putting the programs in place to make this happen, but I further explained it does not do much good if the councils across the state does not take advantage of the Diocesan Conferences we share twice a year in all 15 Dioceses, or the many webinars that Supreme makes available to everyone willing to invest a little time, as there is NO CHARGE for this information.

As we shook hands, and parted ways, I suggested that if he still felt he still wanted to wait until next Fraternal Year to bring his prospects in his council, he at least make these prospects eMembers now that would bring them into the Knights of Columbus and allow them the benefits of joining and allow them to meet with an Insurance Agent to discuss their options. With the CODE of BLESSEDMCGIVNEY there is no cost for eMembership, and lessens the guilt that if something happens between becoming an eMember and joining the council, the opportunity was there.

We are having a GREAT year in Charities, Wheelchairs, Quick Starts, Special Olympics, Cor Initiative, Star Councils and Membership Intake and with these last two good months this COULD be TEXAS’ BEST YEAR YET!

Thanks for all you Brothers do!


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