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Year End Safe Environment Compliance

By Bill Tillotson Star Council Awards Director

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

Tillotson Copy

Worthy State Officers, Directors, Diocesan Deputies, District Deputies, Committeemen. Grand Knights and Financial Secretaries,

Today, Supreme published new guidance for safe environment compliance for the end of the Fraternal Year. This supersedes any guidance I or my committee has given to date.

Fraternal Year End Safe Environment Compliance and Supreme Council Awards

Councils must be fully compliant with the Order’s safe environment program requirements to be eligible for the Star Council award.

The Order requires members assigned into certain key leadership roles to become compliant with its safe environment training and background check requirements within 45 days of their appointments. This ensures that our key leaders know what red flag behaviors to look out for during all events throughout the entire Fraternal Year. For additional information, visit www.kofc.org/safe

End of year guidance:

  • All safe environment roles should be filled via Member Management as soon as possible to ensure that members have maximum time to complete their requirements before Fraternal Year End (FYE).
  • Members will not be assigned new training or background check content during the last two weeks of the fraternal year - no training and background check content will be assigned to members after 6/15/2024.
  • Although no training and background check content will be assigned to members after 6/15/2024, a fully compliant member may be appointed into a role up until FYE.
  • Members already assigned content will be able to complete their assigned requirements up until Friday, June 28, 2024.
  • Questions should be directed to youthleader@kofc.org.

IMPORTANT Any council who submits a 185 and/or 365 form prior to FYE should clearly indicate that the form is for the 2024-2025 fraternal year (not 2023-24). This will minimize the likelihood of a compliant council being inadvertently changed to pending/non-compliant status for the current fraternal year. If this does occur, please reach out to youthleader@kofc.org for review.

As always, don't hesitate to contact me or my committeemen with any questions. And watch the Star Tracker to verify your council's SE compliance.

Star Council One Sheet

SCC Team Roster 2023/2024

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