Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025
We know that the Knights of Columbus were founded with the principle of supporting widows left behind without the support of their husbands.The order has grown tremendously since those early days and has developed the insurance support we know today.
Thankfully, our order now has the opportunity for brothers to focus on providing spiritual support.Council 6269 of Arlington, Texas had such an opportunity for one of its members.
Gerald Brown would regularly attend council meetings.So, when he missed two meetings in row, the Grand Knight gave his Good of the Order director, Gerald, a call just to check in.Gerald was in good spirits on the phone and stated did not wish to have any visitors.
However, later when consulting Gerald’s wife, Cloe, she explained that he was going to be hospitalized soon.The Grand Knight kept in touch with Cloe always asking if she or Gerald needed anything.Eventually, the message was that Gerald was returning home and would soon be in hospice care.
The Grand Knight and his wife visited Gerald and Cloe in their home.They also helped to make sure that brother Brown received the Sacrament of the sick.Cloe said that after he received communion from the priest, Gerald became lucent and glowed with energy.
For the next couple of days, different council members visited.In one visit, a group of brothers brought a relic of the Holy Cross with them on their visit and prayed the Rosary over their brother Gerald.
Gerald passed and we started the preparation of the funeral mass in which Knights served as lectors for the readings, and the council provided the repast meal for friends and family to gather.
It is this new spiritual support that our order finds itself called to provide and serve.Thankfully, insurance and retirement opportunities are now common for all.So, now we do see the community needing this spiritual support.
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Austin, TX 78723